Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cliche blog post- Of Mice and Men

Slim and George sat down at the bar. Slim put a hand on George's shoulder and stated, "Like I said, George, sometimes a guy's gotta." George was as white as a ghost. Replaying the image of Lennie's lit up face made him think "am i a man or a mouse?" Slim could see the sorrow and confusion in George's face. "Well, look on the bright side, at least you ain't gonna have that big guy followin' ya around causin' trouble no more." George was silent. Slim realized that it was too soon to be saying things like that to George. "Have another drink, on me" Slim softly spoke. Suddenly, George let out a small whisper. "He had a heart of gold." "Look George," Slim persuaded. "come hell or high water, you still deserve to chase your dreams. Just because Lennie aint around to be with ya, doesn't mean that it aint gonna happen." "It was our dream. It wouldn't feel right without Lennie." George was as cold as ice. Slim, as usual, stayed cool as a cucumber. "Cut it out George" said Slim. "Everything's gonna be alright, you just gotta deal with it, and i'm here to help ya out. Now drink up." "You're right!" George exclaimed. Suddenly a wave of reassurance washed over him. "I'm gonna make our dream come true, for Lennie. But first, i'm gonna get drunk as a skunk!" "Thats the spirit, George! Have at er!" So the men spent the next hour in the bar, dreaming up dreams and drinking up beers. It was the perfect end to the most heartwrenching evening.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Adventures of Destiny!

"To be, or not to be? That is the question."

This is a story of a girl who has an obsession with chocolate covered raisins. She has a dream. a dream to become the next Kim Kardashian. And eat as many dark chocolate covered cranberries as she wants without getting fat. Her goals are as high as Mt.Everest! She often sits alone on her reclining couch and wonders, "what is the meaning of life? And why is everything that tastes so good, so bad for you?" Sometimes Destiny wishes she could go back to a time when there was no such thing as McDonald's, or Twitter. But then she remembers how lost she would be without social networking sites, and how malnourished she would be without the wonderful nutrition McDonald's and Dairy Queen gives her.