Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dec 12 2012

The Dangerously Fulfilling Lives of Preteen Girls

            “Toddlers in Tiaras” and “Dance Moms” are just a couple of the shows out there that profile the wonderfully fulfilling lives of young girls, whose mothers are living through them vicariously. These young girls are put through brutal beauty pageants, and tiring weeks of dance practice, wearing heavy amounts of makeup and tight revealing clothing. Who wouldn’t want to see their daughters parading around on a stage in provocative clothing, gyrating their hips? When I become a mother, I will most definitely make sure that my daughter is up on that stage shaking her prepubescent booty.

            Beauty pageants are a way of comparing people in front of the whole world, to prove who is better looking. They test girls on their personality, but mostly how they look parading around in a bikini. So why wouldn’t you want to put your children in a teenybopper beauty pageant? It will teach them to be superficial, spoiled and self centered later in life! Everybody loves a stuck up little girl in a crop top! The show “Toddlers in Tiaras” promotes every mothers dream…having a screaming princess as a daughter with more boyfriends than they can count on their fingers! It teaches girls that it is okay to be sexy, no matter what age you may be!

            An eight year old girl, walking her dog wearing daisy dukes and a tube top, that’s the sight I love to see first thing in the morning! Seriously, how classy is that? Their mothers must be so proud of them, for being independent and dressing their own way. And what’s the best thing about these wannabe Paris Hilton girls? They are not dressing for anyone but themselves! So many girls try to impress boys with the clothes they wear, but not these post beauty pageant, dancer girls. They get up every morning, put on eight pounds of makeup and their new mini skirts (even though its winter) because it makes them feel good! The media does an amazing job of portraying young girls, making sure they know they need to step their game up and shop at Victoria’s secret. 2012 was a time of progression; I cannot wait to see what the New Year has in store for these young girls, real life puppets for their loving mothers. It’s magic.