Monday, January 7, 2013

The Dangerously Empty Lives of Teenage Girls

Dec 12 2012

Inside the Dangerously Empty Lives of Teenage Girls

“More than 1 in 4 high school girls is binge drinking”. In what state, province, or country is this statistic taken from? The article “Inside the Dangerously Empty Lives of Teenage Girls” written by Dr. Leonard Sax seems quite inaccurate to me. I believe this article has some correct facts, but overall it makes preteen and teenage girls look like self mutilating disorderly young girls.

            Dr. Sax seems to be mentioning young girls between age 12-15 in his article. One point that he brings up is that girls are pushing sex more than boys this day in age. I believe that to be very untrue. I do not think many girls are “cornering the boys, and giving them blowjobs.” And if so, I believe his point about boys being unsure as to how they should respond is untrue. Boys twelve and over know exactly how to respond to something like that. Sex is less meaningful and very much more common in teenagers today, but I believe it is a team effort, and a lot more likely a boys idea than a girls.

            Another interesting point that this writer makes is about obsessive behaviors that girls can develop. Just a few mentioned are binge drinking, obsessing over food and fitness, and self harm. Where did he acquire his information? I disagree with his comment about boys being less likely to self harm. Him saying “the girl who’s very popular, captain of the basketball team and doing well in school, is as likely-maybe even more likely-than the average girl to be cutting” comes off as a bias opinion.

(to be continued dun dun dun...)

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